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Groupe Maco

  • Conception UX (expérience utilisateur)
  • Conception et développement Web
  • SEO (Optimisation pour les moteurs de recherche)
Visuel site web Groupe MACO sur tablette


We were tasked by Groupe Maco for a complete redesign of their website to align with their new brand image. The interface has been redesigned to offer a more user-friendly and intuitive navigation, highlighting the various sectors, services and specialized skills of Groupe Maco. It provides a more in-depth presentation of the company’s achievements and projects, allowing visitors to see the areas where it excels. Additionally, the new site simplifies the job search and application submission process for potential talents looking to join the Groupe Maco team.

Visuel site web Groupe MACO sur ordinateur
Visuel site web Groupe MACO sur mobile
Visuel site web Groupe MACO sur ordinateur
Visuel site web Groupe MACO sur mobile


« The quality of the product, but above all of the support. Although we browse websites every day, we don’t always have the knowledge to properly build our own. Creation, production and post-upload monitoring are essential to the experience and you do that very well. It’s nice doing business with you. »